Your One-on-one Angel Workshop journey with Julie starts here…
Being able to connect with our angels is a natural state of being, and those of us whose life purpose is aligned with mediumship and who want to give readings and pull cards for others can achieve that goal and exercise our potential. In my mediumship programs, I offer three streams for the course.
The first stream is the Angel Intuitive stream. Angel Intuitive really means you naturally connect with the angels as default and are easily able to read them. Being Angel Intuitive doesn’t mean you don’t have other gifts or can’t use cards, it just means you want to focus on studying in the program giving people messages primarily from their angels and the archangels for the purpose of healing and or giving guidance. After all, there are plenty of angel intuitives who can also tap into cards to see things and can also connect with your loved ones in heaven. So Angel Intuitives, your courses, start with Angel basics 01, followed by Angels for Intuitives: Angel Basics level 2, then Angel basics level 3: Clairs and Auras.
The second stream is the mediumship stream. This means you can connect with people’s deceased loved ones. You might also see the truth in the present and future events. That feeling of connection to spirit is a constant for you, and you hear people’s guardian angels and loved ones show up whenever they’re around. Your fears are normal and addressed in the following courses that include angels for protection: Mediumship 101—introduction to working with the other side, 102 and 103, which cover basics protection, Intermediate medium skills, and professional preparation.
The third stream is the angel card reader. You’ll learn the art of the 11 card spread, my personal favorite. Angel Card reading basics level 1, Angel card reading basics level 2. These classes wil prepare you for giving all card readings, including romance readings, life purpose, health oracle, 3, 4 and 7 card spreads, and more!
The fourth stream is the empath stream. This gift means you can connect to other people’s feelings and energy. That ability to connect might weigh you down, although it’s a significant gift to humanity. You’ll learn how to navigate through the heavy waters and not get caught up in other’s frequency in Empath Basics 1-4
Angel Workshops
Psychic Development classes range from Angel Basics to Mediumship